Recovery From Your Tummy Tuck is Both Physical and Emotional.
The physical recovery is significant and blocking out time from work and ensuring that you have the right support system in place prior to undergoing surgery will promote your success in your transformation. Often is will take 4 weeks before you are able to resume full activity. Setting a bench mark of being at 50% activity level at 2 weeks provides appropriate levels of expectations and minimizes disappointment.
Another import aspect of being ready is acknowledging your emotional state leading up to surgery and during your recovery. This may not be a large consideration as you prepare for surgery but being emotionally prepared will enhance your mental wellbeing and smooth out your recovery.
You may have some doubts, (“why did I choose this procedure”) during recovery just as often as the thoughts of joy and elation (“I am so glad that I finally fixed that sagging belly!”). It is comforting to know that these mood swings are not uncommon and natural.
Several suggestions to help you prepare emotionally for your recovery:
1) Have your support team set up prior to surgery. If you can have several meals prepared ahead of time, this will decrease the stress on everyone in the family.
2) Expect that you will feel a little “run down” and fatigued in the post operative period. Often this is from the effects of the anesthesia and will resolve with time.
3) Plan for a light work load at work so that you are not stressed about taking some time off.
4) Patience with the healing process and not expecting too much of yourself in the early post operative period
5) Keeping active mentally. Get some good books that you have been meaning to read anyway.
6) Check in with your plastic surgeon regularly and call if any questions come up. We would rather hear from you and put you at ease than have you worry.
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