
Best Plastic Surgeon Houston

Millions of people around the world have undergone liposuction to spot-reduce fat. They’ve done this because they have come to realize that there is no other way to accomplish spot-reduction. We here this from fitness trainers all the time, and yet the accumulation of stubborn fat in specific areas continues to be something we try to manage with diet and exercise. If you’re like the millions who have grown tired of this rut, you may have thought about liposuction for your hips, thighs, or love handles. If you’ve thought about liposuction, you may also be questioning the validity of this procedure for long-term results. It is valuable to question how liposuction can work for you. The more you know about what this procedure can and cannot do, the more realistic you can be about the potential for your situation. We appreciate questions like this because it indicates a sense of seriousness about expectations. The fact is that liposuction has been performed millions of times because it wor...

What’s inside our Free RECOVERY Tips Guide:

Planning tips to help you consider how to best manage your schedule or working and parenting responsibilities Tips for managing the initial post-surgery discomfort (pain management) and for maximising resting & healing How to care for your incision line as your skin heals How to set up your home and recovery area for a better healing experience What to think about BEFORE you have your surgery – including PETS How long you’ll need to wait before you drive Waiting periods for different types of surgery procedures before you can exercise Tips for meals during your initial recovery period What’s inside the RAPID RECOVERY pack we give our patients at Cosmetic Surgery for Women & Men. Helpful scar management products and incision line treatment protocols This book is general in nature and is NOT intended as medical advice; please follow YOUR own Surgeon’s exact instructions for healing and recovery after cosmetic plastic surgery. Liposuction Fo...

Best Plastic Surgeon Houston

Liposuction is a safe, reliable technique of removing unwanted fat and cellulite in areas particularly around the belly, buttocks, thighs and knees. Trained surgeons, such as De La Cruz Plastic Surgery in Houston, are able to contour and sculpt a patient’s body. Liposuction can provide men and women alike with newer and better body proportions while taking care of pesky areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. While there are varying procedures to consider, standard liposuction is generally one of the more reliable methods in removing cellulite and unwanted fat effectively and safely. Liposuction is done on an outpatient basis under local or general anesthesia. The duration is based on the amount of fat being removed, the technique used, and the size of the area being treated. Small incisions are made on the areas being treated, and a tumescent solution, containing saline and lidocaine, is injected into the tissues to facilitate the fat removal, and minimize blood loss. A cann...

Recovery From Your Tummy Tuck is Both Physical and Emotional.

The physical recovery is significant and blocking out time from work and ensuring that you have the right support system in place prior to undergoing surgery will promote your success in your transformation. Often is will take 4 weeks before you are able to resume full activity. Setting a bench mark of being at 50% activity level at 2 weeks provides appropriate levels of expectations and minimizes disappointment. Another import aspect of being ready is acknowledging your emotional state leading up to surgery and during your recovery. This may not be a large consideration as you prepare for surgery but being emotionally prepared will enhance your mental wellbeing and smooth out your recovery. You may have some doubts, (“why did I choose this procedure”) during recovery just as often as the thoughts of joy and elation (“I am so glad that I finally fixed that sagging belly!”). It is comforting to know that these mood swings are not uncommon and natural. Several suggestions to help you ...

Best Plastic Surgeon Houston

Millions of people around the world have undergone liposuction to spot-reduce fat. They’ve done this because they have come to realize that there is no other way to accomplish spot-reduction. We here this from fitness trainers all the time, and yet the accumulation of stubborn fat in specific areas continues to be something we try to manage with diet and exercise. If you’re like the millions who have grown tired of this rut, you may have thought about liposuction for your hips, thighs, or love handles. If you’ve thought about liposuction, you may also be questioning the validity of this procedure for long-term results. It is valuable to question how liposuction can work for you. The more you know about what this procedure can and cannot do, the more realistic you can be about the potential for your situation. We appreciate questions like this because it indicates a sense of seriousness about expectations. The fact is that liposuction has been performed millions of times because it wo...

Liposuction Houston

Liposuction . Most of us cringe at the mention of the word. But just as phones have become smaller and cars can practically drive themselves, the medical technology surrounding this procedure has advanced considerably. In fact, at least one Houston doctor now performs it via a one-hour office visit, without anesthesia. De La Cruz is specialist and best plastic surgeon in Houston, It is performed with a device smaller than the top of a pencil eraser and leaves a freckle-sized scar — with no needle, no scalpel, no stitches and no anesthesia. Though he resides in California, so many of his patients were traveling to Beverly Hills for the procedure that he decided to open here. Curious, we sent one of our own to give it a whirl. Houston associate publisher Mary Hoang-Do wanted to target her upper arms, an area she wasn’t particularly fond of post-pregnancy. Four weeks later, she gives the procedure two thumbs (and arms) up, as she continues to see moderate improvement to the area. ...

Puregraft logo | WAVE Plastic Surgery

Liposuction is a procedure we have performed for over 20 years with thousands of successful procedures accomplished. Dr.De La Cruz has performed liposuction Houston for over 20 years with thousands of successful procedures accomplished. He is a Board Certified in Cosmetic Surgery and he has been a Clinical Assistant Professor at Baylor and the University of Texas Medical School. He received his training in sculpture at the Glassell School of Art in Houston and has a very fine aesthetic sense. We use the latest technology such as the well-established tumescent technique and the newest automated reciprocating very fine cannulas. These cannulas are very thin and consequently are minimally invasive. Our goal is to remove all the excess fat in the areas requested, leaving the smoothest surface attainable. In the abdomen, a smooth flat, firm front with a narrow waist line is our goal. Liposuction is basically human sculpturing by removing fat. Dr. De La Cruz is a renowned expert in liposc...